Fiber laser cutting machine can be used for both plane cutting and bevel cutting, and the edges are neat and smooth. It is suitable for high-precision cutting such as metal plates. Some problems encountered, Baokunlaser will continue to improve yesterday’s problems, so that problems encountered during the operation can be solved by themselves.
1. Carbon steel cutting (smooth on the top and grain on the bottom)
Possible causes and solutions
Focus too high —– lower focus
Low air pressure —— increase air pressure
2. There are lines on the top, and the bottom is uneven
Possible causes and solutions
too fast —- reduce speed
The air pressure is too low—increase the air pressure
Impure gas —– use purer gas
Focus is too low – increase focus
3. Impervious cutting (stainless steel cutting)
The nitrogen purity is at least 99.9%;
The lens and nozzle and coaxiality are intact;
Good material (no oxidation, no paint);
The laser mode has no distortion (compressed air quality guarantees no paint, volatile gas).
Possible causes and solutions
too fast — reduce speed
Power is too low—increase power
Out of focus — check focus
4. There are slags on the opposite side (stainless steel cutting)
Possible causes and solutions
Poor coaxial —– check coaxial
The nozzle is not round —- check the nozzle
Bad light path—-check light path
The laser mode is too bad,—–check the laser mode
5. The cut surface is not smooth (stainless steel cutting)
Possible causes and solutions
Power is too low—– increase power
The focus is too low – increase the focus
Insufficient air pressure —— increase air pressure
6. Irregular filamentous slags on both sides (stainless steel cut)
Possible causes and solutions
Speed is too slow —— increase speed
The focus is too high—– reduce the focus
Air pressure too low – increase air pressure
Material is too hot—– Cool material
7. Produce tiny regular slags (stainless steel cutting)
Focus too low—– Increase focus
Speed too low —- slow down
8. The cutting surface is yellow
Possible causes and solutions
N2 purity is less than 99.9%. ——–Check the purity of N2
There is oxygen or air in the windpipe. ——- Increase cutting start delay